(Former Eagle Forum of Sacramento)
(Former Eagle Forum of Sacramento)
Accomplishments of Eagle Forum of Sacramento have included: Expose on Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity (SEED) anti-American education, White Privilege and The Wheel of Oppression reform education, stopping Day of Silence in Elk Grove School District for one year, and submission of Pro-se litigation case against discrimination in diversity, tolerance, and multi-cultural programs.
The Sacramento chapter also Initiated the STOP Movement, STOP the Compromise education, A RIght to be Accepted Too classes (20), Common Sense weekly reports, and Stop the Compromise weekly reports. We work with legislators on bills, and write letters to Congressmen and editors. We have been on radio talk shows, and done speaking engagements.
Though lobbying at the Capitol in Sacramento can be frustrating because so many leaders have compromised, it is still our freedom to lobby and it is exciting to do so. In home and on line education works. Georgiana believes that activism made easy is the best way to get people involved daily. We work to educate all people for the survival of America.
Eagle Forum of Sacramento was formed in 2002 under the national Eagle Forum begun by Phyllis Schlafly. The reason was simple: to pioneer the truth and stop an agenda of transformation for America. We had discovered a deceptive program called Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity (SEED) that was used in pre-school, grammar and high schools, Universities, and institutions across this nation.
Begun at Wellesley college, by Peggy McIntosh, the curriculum uses over 20 tools to brainwash innocent people into believing that all ideas, values, morals, ethics, lifestyles, and religion hold equal value. Citizens beware! All enforced diversity programs are off shoots of SEED education. People are taught to be victims by White Privilege and The Wheel of Oppression education.
Women marched the day after the Inauguration with vulgar signs, outfits, words, and actions portraying women as oppressed. Violent students destroyed property representing a new image of free thinkers? Congressmen turning on our President. Boycotting caused Ivanka's clothing line to be dropped. Tiffany was shunned at a fashion show.
The bullying has gone on long enough. The message that all ideas, values, moral, ethics, lifestyles, and religions are equal destroys European descent, Judeo-Christian, and authentic patriots from speaking the truth that the solid base upon which America was built is indeed better than others. If they cannot speak out they are now not just discriminated against, but persecuted. Citizens it’s time to act.
We have God’s authority, natural law, and the Constitution to combat it. The STOP MOVEMENT is important. Eagle Forum of Sacramento has battled for 15 years to stop the compromise and restore sanity and common sense. Take responsibility. Speak out daily against lies destroying America. Shout the facts. It could not be easier. All the information you need is available. Click on the link on home page.
Join us in our new Eagle Eye Education Center in Ione CA. We have room for 40 people. Schedule a workshop with your group; large or small. Once equipped with the facts, you can bring them back to your families, friends, and community. We must take responsibility; President Trump did and he won. Phyllis Schlafly endorsed him. Now let's support him. Pioneer The Stop Movement. It works. We can take back America!
Georgiana Preskar is the mother of 2 children and grandmother of 10. She has been married to Michael for 43 years. She has been Director of Eagle Forum for 16 years, diversity director on the California Eagle Forum board, and on the Sacramento Republican Central Committee. She authored 4 books, and the weekly Catholic Citizen in church bulletins. Georgiana is a registered nurse, sociologist, real estate agent, religious education instructor, substitute school teacher, and NRA certified pistol instructor and refuse to be a victim instructor. Georgiana welcomes you.
All programs will no longer be under Eagle Forum of Sacramento, but EAGLE ED USA
Georgiana Preskar-Director Eagle Ed USA